
You can Consume These Drinks Regularly to Lose Weigh

Senin, 20 Agustus 2018 - 15:15 | 47.80k
ILUSTRASI. (FOTO: istimewa)
ILUSTRASI. (FOTO: istimewa)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Losing weight is not an easy thing. It doesn't only by managing the food consumption, but also you have to pay attention to the drinks you consume. Then, what are the drinks that can help you to lose weight? Reporting from Women 's Health, the following is a review of healthy drinks that are good for diet.

1. Plain water

The best drink to help your diet is plain water. Being grateful for how much water you drink, it doesn't make you gain weight. Instead, the cells in your body need water to do their job well, and it keep the body from lacking fluids.

Plain water helps to optimize fiber, so you'll feel full longer. In addition, water can fill your stomach, making it full without having to fill it with calorie foods. By drinking water, you can save from false hunger due to dehydration. However, if after drinking you still feel hunger, then don't delay of eating. Choose the foods with calculated calories.

2. Coffee

Coffee is a good drink for diet, it also helps you to lose weight. The caffeine content in coffee helps you to optimize energy in the body. So, there are many of calories that can be burned. From the Mayo Clinic, coffee can help to reduce hungry, or help you to reduce overeating. However, if you aren't familiar with coffee, and you have problems with the stomach, so you should limit your consumption of coffee each day, which is only about 400 milligrams of caffeine.

3. Lemon Water

The trend of using infused water with lemon is booming in the community now. Lemon water can help your digestive process become smoother. Lemon is good for your digestive system, so consuming lemon juice can prevent you from constipation. In addition, lemon can also help remove fat.

That's the three drinks that can help you to lose weight. In addition to consuming healthy drinks above, you also pay attention to your lifestyle. Get used to exercise regularly, so that you are easier to lose weight. (*)

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Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin


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