
The River near Polsek Srono Banyuwangi Becomes Rubbish Dump

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2018 - 07:37 | 27.19k
The rubbish heaps in the river (PHOTO: Rizki Alfian/TIMES Indonesia)
The rubbish heaps in the river (PHOTO: Rizki Alfian/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGIRubbish heaps are floating on the river located in the south of Polsek Srono (sector police) in Banyuwangi.

The rubbish becomes a disturbing scenery for the people passing slowly on the road that connects Srono and Cluring. Not only giving off unpleasant smell, the rubbish also clogs the waterway.

According to the observation done by TIMES Indonesia, the clogging rubbish is mostly baby diapers and plastic wraps.

It has been going on for a long time. It has been the rubbish dump of the residents since a long time.

 “I rarely see the residents around here throwing out garbage into this river,” said Fikri, one of the residents, to TIMES Indonesia, Tuesday (31/7/2018).

According to Fikri, the river is the boundary between Kebaman village, Srono and Sarimulyo village, Cluring. He claimed that the bad condition of the river has been going on since a long time ago.

 “I often see people throwing off plastic wraps from the cars,” said Santoso, the other resident.

In fact, there is a big notice board saying that it is prohibited to throw garbage into the river. But, it is ignored. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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