
The Rector Expresses the Joy of UIN Malang’s Birthday through Beautiful Verses

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018 - 22:39 | 53.86k
The Rector of UIN Malang, Prof Dr Abdul Haris (PHOTO: Adhitya Hendra/TIMES Indonesia)
The Rector of UIN Malang, Prof Dr Abdul Haris (PHOTO: Adhitya Hendra/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – The 73rd birthday of UIN Malang enlivened by jogging activity on Saturday (7/7/2018) morning became the moment to tighten the bond of relationship and intimacy among the civitas academica, between the campus and the residences around there, and between the campus and the alumni. The Rector, Prof Dr Abd Haris, expressed his joy through the verses.

 “Doing exercise together by jogging becomes the symbol of intimacy and consolidation between UIN Malang and the residences around here, as well as the alumni. Improve the sense of belonging and care as the principal to develop the institution,” he said.

That’s why, through that moment, Haris hoped that UIN could become a healthy and clean university, and give a very valuable education. “UIN Malang will become a lighthouse by the improvement of the qualified human resources,” he added.

Here is the complete poem made by Prof Haris:

JALAN SEHAT UIN MALIKI, (The Jogging Activity of UIN Maliki)
Warga dan Alumni Berkontribusi (Residences and alumni give a contribution)

Sabtu pagi. (Saturday morning)
Tanggal 07 Juni 2018. (on 7th June 2018)
Semua warga UIN Maliki. (All the people of UIN Maliki)
Ikut terlibat gerakan jalan kaki. (join the jogging activity)
Warga sekitar dan juga para alumni. (the residences around here and also the alumni)
Berbaris dengan keluarga juga sendiri. (lining up with family or individually)
Jalan sehat sebagai penanda rasa memiliki. (jogging as the symbol of the sense of belonging)
Kampus indah tanpa celah sangat menarik hati. (beautiful, interesting campus)

Mari siapkan saja. (let’s prepare)
Datanglah pada pagi buta. (here comes the dawn)
Seruan ini untuk semua warga. (this call is for all residences)
Mengambil peran dengan ikut serta. (to join us)
Apresiasi bukan hanya dengan kata belaka. (appreciation is not only in form of words)
Dengan ikut bersama tanpa sangkaan apa-apa. (joining us without any prejudice)
Dengan sangat gembira HUT UIN Maliki Malang Raya. (joyful birthday of UIN Maliki Malang Raya)
Bersyukur kepada Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. (Be grateful to the God Almighty)
Beri kenikmatan kesehatan dan semua yang ada. (He has given us health and everything)
Sebagai kasih sayang yang tiada tara kepada kita. (as the infinite love for us)

Dengan jalan sehat ini. (by this jogging activity)
Beri tanda sebagai konsolidasi. (as the symbol of consolidation)
Antar warga dan juga para alumni. (between the residences and the alumni)
Tingkatkan rasa memiliki dan peduli. (improve the sense of belonging and care)
Sebagai modal mengembangkan institusi. (as the principal to develop the institution)
Menjadi perguruan tinggi sehat dan juga bersih. (becoming a healthy, clean university)
Menuju pendidikan yang mempunyai nilai sangat tinggi. (to give a very valuable education)
Mercusuar dengan pembangunan indeks SDM mumpuni. (being a lighthouse with a qualified human resources)

Selamat jalan sehat. (happy jogging)
Tempuh jalan kaki tanpa rehat. (walk without a break)
Ukur sendiri dengan harap maslahat (to get the benefit)
Demi kepentingan kesehatan yang merakyat. (for the sake of populist healthcare)

Malang, 07-07-2018
'Abd Al Haris Al Muhasibiy

UIN Malang has changed name for some times, from IAIN Sunan Ampel in Malang, STAIN Malang, UIIS, back to STAIN again, and the final is UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The rector is Prof Dr Abd Haris. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin


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