English UIN Malang

Message of Peace to East Java Governor Election from The Rector of UIN Malang

Rabu, 27 Juni 2018 - 08:48 | 41.31k
ILUSTRATION: East Java Governor Election 2018 (GRAPHIC: TIMES Indonesia)
ILUSTRATION: East Java Governor Election 2018 (GRAPHIC: TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – The rector of UIN Malang, Prof Dr Abdul Haris delivered his message of peace to East Java Governor Election 2018. As usual, this number-one-person in UIN Malang management delivered his message through the poetry.

 “Pilkada (Local leader election) is a democracy process that we are joining. Although the process is not completely perfect, but it has been initiated. We should choose the leader that we want,” he said.

Here is the complete poem made by Prof Haris:

PILKADA JATIM, (East Java Local Leader Election)
Hikmah di Balik Peristiwa (The wisdom behind an event)

Siapa saja boleh berharap jadi.(Whoever it is)
Khofifah dan Emil atau Gus Ipul dan Puti.(Khofifah and Emil or Gus Ipul and Puti)
Mereka sudah diseleksi dan juga mumpuni. (They have been selected and they are qualified)
Para pendukung sudah kampanye bersama atau sendiri. (The supporters have campaigned in a group or individually)
Menguras keringat dengan menerapkan strategi. (with a lot of effort and making strategy)
Bahkan ada juga yang menggunakan cara berlebih. (even some are exaggerating)
Dengan kerahkan apa saja yang dimiliki terutama IT. (by using anything, especially information technology)

Menurut saya semua harus menyadari. (I think everyone should realize)
Siapa pun yang jadi harus kita hormati dan ikuti.(whoever becomes the leader, we should respect and follow them)
Jangan sampai membuat tidak nyaman dan tidak damai.(don’t make it difficult and not peaceful)
Apa lagi para pemilih beragama dan bahkan para santri. (especially the religious voters and the devout Muslim students)
Anggap saja sebuah proses demokrasi yang sedang kita ikuti.(it is a democracy process that we follow)
Meskipun proses mungkin belum sempurna tetapi sudah diikhtiyari.(although the process is not perfect, it is already initiated)
Memilih seorang pemimpin yang memang kita ingini. (choosing the leader that we want)

Menang dan kalah. (winning and losing)
Biasa dan pasti ada hikmah. (it is common and there must be a blessing)
Bahkan mungkin menjadi peristiwa. (even it becomes an event)
Dimana Allah menguji paslon keduanya. (in which Allah tests the candidates)
Menang dan kalah pasti ada makna dibalik peristiwa. (winning or losing has their own hidden blessing)
Jika menang bersyukurlah jika kalah bersabarlah.(if you win, be grateful, if you lose, be patient)
Ciptakan saling menerima ketentuan Tuhan Yang Esa. (try to accept God’s decision)
Semua akan dipertanggungjawabkan kepadaNya. (everything will be provided by Him)

Mungkin saja sedih. (you may be sad)
Mungkin saja juga marah. (you mad be mad)
Bagi mereka yang merasa kalah. (to those who lose)
Tetapi di balik peristiwa ada hikmah. (but there is a blessing behind an event)
Justru mungkin menyelamatkan dan membela. (maybe it saves you)
Dengan cara berfikir positif seperti ini tanda beragama. (by thinking positively as religious people)
Pasrah usai usaha dengan segala metoda atau cara. (just surrender)

Mari nikmati. (let’s enjoy)
Kesempatan memilih. (the chance to choose)
Satu diantara yang kita yakini. (one person that we trust)
Bisa membuat umat menjadi terpuji. (to make the people good)
Dengan pemimpin baik bisa melayani. (by being a good leader)

Surabaya, 27th  June 2018
'Abd Al Haris Al Muhasibiy


For all this time, the Rector of UIN Malang, Prof. Dr. Abdul Haris often delivers his message through the verses of poetry, both to the internal people of UIN Malang and public. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Publisher : Rizal Dani


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