English UIN Malang

At UIN Malang, Gus Romy Reveals 10 Names of Jokowi’s Potential Vice President

Rabu, 18 Juli 2018 - 13:27 | 34.74k
The Chairman of PPP, Romahurmuziy, reveals 10 names of Jokowi’s potential vice president. (PHOTO: Imadudin M/TIMES Indonesia)
The Chairman of PPP, Romahurmuziy, reveals 10 names of Jokowi’s potential vice president. (PHOTO: Imadudin M/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANGThe Chairman of PPP Gus Romy (Romahurmuziy), revealed that the President, Joko Widodo or Jokowi, had saved 10 names of the potential vice president candidates. Those who will be Jokowi’s running mate would be in the president election (Pilpres) in 2019. It was stated by Romy after attending the event of Halal bi Halal PAPMII Malang, at UIN Malang, last Sunday (15/7/2018).

The names that has been saved consist of politician figures, aristocracies, retirees, TNI-Polri (Indonesian Army-Indonesian National Police), ulama (religious leader), technocrats, and professionals. Those names will be further discussed. “InsyaAllah, there will be no other names than those ten names,” said Gus Romy.

Those 10 names consist of two politicians, Airlangga Hartanto, Muhaimin Iskandar, and M. Romahurmuziy. While the two ulamas are KH Makruf Amin and Din Syamsudin. The technocrats consist of two women, Sri Mulyani and Susi Pudjiastuti.

From academician is Mahfud MD, the military retiree is Moeldoko, and the businessman is Chairul Tanjung, founder TRnaz Corps. “All of them will be discussed with the coalition party, not far from that,” said Romy when he was encountered after the event at UIN Malang, (15/7/2018).

Currently, the parties that are supporting Jokowi in Pemilu (public election) 2019 are PDI Perjuangan, Golkar, NasDem, PPP, Hanura, Partai Solidaritas Indonesia, Perindo, and Partai Keadilan dan Persatuan Indonesia.

One party declared its support to be the coalition party. It was Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB). He also said that it was possible for the other parties to join. However, until now, Partai Demokrat and Partai Amanat Nasional have not made any decisions.

 “It was based on the meeting result on the last Tuesday. These names have been shared and will be discussed in every party,” he added.

The Chairman of PPP Gus Romy, said that PPP would ask for the opinions from ulama and the regional leadership councils about the 10 names for Jokowi’s potential running mate. He would wait for the coalition parties’ decision. He stated it at UIN Malang. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan
Sumber : TIMES Malang


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