
Are You a Spicy Food Lovers? Here are the Impacts for the Body

Selasa, 19 Juni 2018 - 23:37 | 57.33k
(PHOTO: (FOTO: Alodokter))
(PHOTO: (FOTO: Alodokter))

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Eating with chili sauce is delicious. Spicy taste can evoke appetite. However, you still have to be careful because eating too much chili sauce or other spicy foods even make a stomachache.

Although it can add the enjoyment of eating, chili sauce is one of the "main enemies" for those who do not normally consume it. Like those who have gastric pain.

Too much consumption of chili sauce can interfere digestion. Symptoms that can occur are pain or stomach cramps, abdominal pain, bloating, frequent waste of wind, until diarrhea. These symptoms can be experienced several hours or shortly after consuming chili.

One of the reasons why chili sauce can cause indigestion is because the chili can trigger an increase of gastric acid production. This will trigger abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea

In addition, the content in the chili sauce can also irritate the mucosa of the stomach and intestines, causing inflammation. As a result, there are various digestive problems as mentioned above.

Especially for those who do not normally consume chili sauce, capsaicin content in chilli can cause burning sensation along the gastrointestinal mucosa up to the anus. Therefore, every time you consume chili sauce, especially that is too spicy, you can feel the burning sensation in the stomach to the anus during defecation.

Although you are a spicy food lovers, you should not eat too often because it can trigger digestive health problems such as abdominal pain. Choose healthy foods that bring health benefits to the body. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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